HOW MUCH MONEY CAN WE EARN for our organization? (Interactive Calculator – You may change any scenario below) .
Since 2010, 5Kevents.org has produced 100’s of events nationwide. This includes over 20 local events and over 50 national events on an annual basis, from run/walks to paddling events. While endurance events are traditionally competitive, many enjoy participating in non-competitive categories. All are welcome and encouraged. In any case, the views are great, the energy is high, and the sense of community abounds. Over the last 12+ years, 5Kevents has attracted thousands and thousands of participants to its community of endurance events.
And non-profits and community groups can be the biggest winners! As a beneficiary of our events, an organization’s direct efforts determine how great the amount it can earn, with no limits and no out of pocket costs. We provide all the tools and resources to make your fundraising a success.
It’s time to show your spirit, show your pride, show awareness, and have fun together as an organization and community while earning much needed revenue for your cause.
Step 1: Complete the “Request to become a Beneficiary” form
Step 2: REGISTER yourself for the desired event. During the registration process create a Team Name and assign yourself as the Team Captain (You can reassign later if needed). The Team Captain must sign up for the event(s) they wish to participate in and create an official team. The team’s name and organization name can be different. Get creative and have fun with the name.
Step 3: Team Captain will receive Team Guide that includes tools and resources to send out to their organizational friends and members to join the fun! Individuals can sign up using your teams name and password.
Step 4: As people register under a team’s name, they will have an option to begin fundraising for that specific organization or the organization they designate. In addition, individuals who are not on a team will have the option to donate to any cause.
Team members can participate in the run/walk for FREE by reaching specific fundraising goals: Our “Fundraise for Free Entry” promotion allows participants to earn a free entry by meeting the minimum fundraising requirements of $150. Once a participant reaches the goal, they will be credited the initial registration fee automatically. EXAMPLE: If the registration cost was $30*, your organization will retain the balance of $120.00 per participant.
*Registration rates vary depending on event
Step 5: As a beneficiary, proceeds can significantly increase by recruiting event sponsors (Optional). More details including a sample solicitation letter will be provided in your Team Guide.
Step 6: Show up on race day, enjoy the day and the rewards that follow. You will be able to track your team efforts online in real time.
It’s that simple!
You’re all in it together
Forming a team is a great way to support your organization. You’ll build comradery, develop leadership skills, promote health and wellness and offer your friends and family a fun way to support a good cause. We encourage you to invite as many people as possible to join in the fun. Friends, family and co-workers are encouraged to join the team. Bigger teams are not just more fun, but they also fundraise more effectively. When you have more team members, your fundraising potential is even higher because more people are fundraising toward a common goal. You’re all in it together. Set a goal of recruiting at least 10 people to your team.
What you’ll get as a Team Captain
- Team Guide
- Team name or logo PRINTED on back of event T-Shirts
- Special Gift for Team Captain
- VIP treatment at events
Copyright © 2013-2022 | 5Kevents.org, LLC | www.5kevents.org | Racine, Wisconsin | All rights reserved